Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (The Bible)
Are there different versions of the Koran?
Our Muslim friends say they only have one Koran. Let’s hear from Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, French academic, historian and Islamologist, director of studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, specialist in Shi’ism and the history of the writing of the Koran, born in 1956 in Tehran.
The Koran has been the same for all Muslims for ten centuries. In fact, in the fourth century of the Hegira – that is, in the tenth century of the Christian era – Muslims accepted the version of the Koran we know today. But such unanimity had not existed before.
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi,
Believing is good, verifying is better
There are now 7 readings of the Qur’an (Arabic: القراءات القرآنية), these are the methods of vocalizing the Qur’an. These different readings and sub-readings have different texts and meanings.
The version widespread in Morocco Warsh (ورش) and the most widespread unified version, Hafs (حفص) , don’t always say the same thing. The Muslim website seek guidance, claims that this is false (:-) , but a single example proves the contrary, and is enough to shatter irretrievably the myth of the Koran preserved by Allah:

The moment of truth
Example Quran chap. 3 ayat 146

Reading | Different Arabic words | TranslationHafs | قَتَلَ (qatala) | He killed / fought |
Warsh | قُتِلَ (qutila) | He was killed |
Only the inflections of modern Arabic writing (or before that the correct recitation) can give the correct pronunciation (qutila or qatala) and thus, the true meaning of the word.
Getting killed is diametrically the opposite of killing, for those who find it hard to want to understand. The Qur’anic surah
Q3:146 is therefore not the same in the Hafs and Warsh reading versions.
Q3:146: How many prophets have combat, in the company of many followers, these did not falter because of what reached them in the path of Allah…
The Hafs version: (trans. Hamidullah) online
Below is the Warsh1 version and warsh2 online at
Q3:146: Many among the prophets were killed…
Warsh1 version and warsh2

5000 differences
Between the Warsh and Hafs Quran, there are more than 5000 discrepancies (differences) according to Dr. Jay Smith, who has made a list of them.
Muslim sheikhs can’t contradict him. Fortunately for these so-called scholars, the vast majority of their audience doesn’t check the texts or the historical plan, and is unable or even unwilling to want to compare the imams’ discourse with the historical facts of the various Korans, found in Islamic bookstores.
The only thing they can do is call those who know the differences ignorant.
Dr Jay Smith vs Shaykh Yasir Qadhi (Revisited) | Holes in the standard narrative
The ignorant are those who want to ignore and don’t want to verify.
We went to the trouble of buying 4 different Korans from Muslim bookstores and checking at least some of the differences by making copies from Muslim sites.
We’re only publishing one here, that’s enough. For those who love the truth, here are the hundreds of other well-documented differences by consulting this academic link in English and Arabic.
What happened in Cairo, 1923
Until 1923, there were many versions of the Koran. What’s more, there had never been a version published for wide distribution.
In 1923, a committee of Islamic scholars met in Cairo and chose the Hafs version of the Qur’an as the official Qur’an. This committee even chose a unique style of calligraphy for the Qur’an.
Here’s an article from our site, not polemical, written by Arabist academics better informed on the subject than the majority of Imams: the-different-readings-of-the-quran
The blind guiding the blind!
How could Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi have missed the thousands of differences like this one?
It’s up to each person to say whether his Imam lied to him, whether he’s ignorant, … or a liar and ignorant at the same time. We don’t know, but everyone can question their Iman and ask to see the Qurans and consult the lists in the link above.
It is better to trust in God than in man.
Sheikhs in general know full well that there is a multitude of variance between the 7 different main readings of the Qur’an and the sub-groups.
A majority of sheikhs knowingly lie by perpetuating the myth of the unique and preserved Koran.
For more on the various lies:
Here’s a sheikh who testifies that 90% of information is hidden by other sheikhs, who knowingly lie. Islam is therefore a religion inspired by the one Jesus calls « the father of lies. »