Korans in sewer grates

… I will send the curse upon you, …
Behold, I am going to rebuke your seed,
and I will spread refuse on your faces,
the refuse of your feasts;
and you will be taken away with it. 

The Bible – Malachi 2:2-3 

Here’s how to read and handle the Holy Qur’an, according to a Muslim site1 .

  • Ablution (wudhu) is necessary when you touch or read the Qur’an. It is not necessary when reciting from memory, but it is recommended to be in a state of wudhu.
  • Dress appropriately when reading. Boys wear a cap, girls a hijab.
  • Be silent while reading the Koran. It is the word of God.
  • Listen carefully – When someone is reciting, pay attention. It’s not enough to be silent. You must listen or leave the room so as not to disturb the reader.
  • Begin with “Tauz” and “Tasmia” : … In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Most Merciful’.
  • End with Saddaqallahul Adheem : Allah has spoken the truth.
  • Read in a good voice with correct Tajweed (chanted reading).
    Don’t sing or cry! Mentioned in the Koran – This is why we learn the proper rules (tajweed) from the Koran. You have to stop where you have to stop, don’t read so fast that nobody understands what is being said. Read so that even those who don’t know the verses can hear and understand the words (not necessarily understand the meaning, but know what words are being said).
  • Where to place the Qur’an :
    Don’t keep it just anywhere; put it back where it belongs. Do not place it on the floor or where it may fall or on a dirty surface. Place it on a shelf or table. You can also use a Quran stand (Rehal) or even a pillow/cushion.
  • Always treat it with respect and love.
    It is God’s book.
  • Don’t scribble in it –
    No, you can’t write the date or scribble around the edges.
  • This is no ordinary book – This is God’s Book…
  • Sit properly when you read it. It is permissible to lie down or recline … but we must teach our children that they cannot lie on their stomachs while reading the Qur’an. 🙂 …

This text will challenge Christians on their way of apprehending the Bible, of printing it, of reading it, of storing it, etc. … I will always remember my first Bible which I recognized as a Holy book : Ultra-thin sheet, no comments, black leather with the only mention ” La Sainte Bible ” in gilded letters, and gilded edge.

What a surprise to learn …

… that in Saudi Arabia, a sewer drainage company found some fifty Korans blocking the pipes …

According to Saudi media2, the police, in collaboration with the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice [sharia police, basically], have launched an investigation. Taif is a Saudi Arabian city of 1 million inhabitants.

For Muslims, the Koran is a holy book, to be kept above all other books in the home. It must not be picked up with dirty hands.

About 65 km east of Mecca, the place Allah has “divinely” chosen, Korans can be found swimming in urine and excrement …

Those who don’t understand Arabic enjoy the recitation like almost hypnotic music. A question arises : Is the Koran no longer the holiest book in Islam ?

Why is there a virtual Koranic “dejection” in Saudi Arabia?

Let us to find out:

For the past decade or so, a multitude of Arab Christian apologists have been unashamedly denouncing Islam, divulging the imposture of Muhammad, and the lies of their Scheiks3. A Middle Eastern evangelist once told me that thousands of Saudis are converting.

Muslims all over the world are getting to know their own ” holy ” texts better and better during times of confinement. The number of ” apostates ” from Islam is increasing in all Arab countries.

Sewer grates then seem the preferred place to dispose of one’s Koran, because it’s certainly safer than putting it in one’s trash, or burning it in one’s garden, but also perhaps because it’s the only place an enlightened person from above can reasonably give it.

Other topic: The kaaba regularly swims in the sewers

It’s not just the Qur’an that goes down the drain, but also the sewers that go up to Mecca. As the Kaaba is located in a low-lying locality surrounded by a cirque of hills, flooding was frequent there for centuries, and still is.

You can imagine how destructive these floods were in the past, before the various installations and reservoirs were built [by the Americans] to secure the site and regulate the water. Ci above for example a photo of the great flood of 19414

When the waters of Mecca rise, the sewers overflow. This can be explained in two ways:

1 – Pipes are never reputed to be well built in corrupt countries, yet indices of corruption and Islamization are highly correlated (the United Arab Emirates are a notorious exception) ;

2 – because the number of pilgrims to Mecca has grown exponentially in recent decades, and existing buildings (even improved ones) cannot adequately handle the treatment of such quantities of dirty water.


The Kaaba is therefore regularly flooded by sewage during rainy periods. Muslims are not very forthcoming on the subject :

A naive AFP article in the Kabul Times dated February 11, 1969 informs of the so-called ” first flood “.5

(1969 : AFP): For the first time in history, a flood engulfed Mecca, to a height of 2 m around the Kaaba, the sacred monument… For the past ten days or so, a few hundred Muslims have been working night and day, to restore the mausoleum.

But the official history of Mecca according to wikipedia already gives us another piece of information:

In 1626 a flood caused three of the Kaaba’s four walls to collapse. It was rebuilt in 16276.

Nowadays, in the age of cell phones and online media like YouTube, it’s no longer possible to hide the fact that it’s practically every year that floods of sewage, or plagues of cockroaches wash over the Kaaba. Not only are floods multiplying on the Kaaba, but so are deadly storms.

Kaaba : Invasion of flying cockroaches in 2019

Various videos7 from 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 show the great consternation for those who realize that Allah’s chosen place was technically not the best place at all.

On August 11, 2016, a sandstorm blew over Mecca, dimming the sun’s brilliance. Some Muslims were tirelessly repeating the magic formula of the shahada to make the storm stop.

The storm was not stopped.

In 2017, during heavy rainstorms and floods on the Kaaba, Muslim pilgrims wept as they still tirelessly repeated the shahada, ” There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet “. But this recitation in no way exonerates Allah from his role as a poor architect.

By way of comparison, note that the Jerusalem temple stands on ” the temple mount “, on a promontory surrounded by 2 valleys. It was not built, at the bottom of a flood valley, on the existing foundations of an idol sanctuary. The temple, though attacked and desecrated, was never naturally flooded with rainwater or sewage.

The Lord gave Solomon wisdom,
as he had promised him. (1 King 5:12a)

Kaaba : fierce winds in 2016Also a life anchored in Christ doesn’t use magic formulas (words of faith) to solve problems instantly, but we entrust them to Him with faith, not knowing how He will respond, but knowing that He is watching over us.

Finally, the worst sewer = pure water according to Mohammed!

Sewer water is not impure, according to the prophet of Islam Mohammed:

“O Messenger of Allah! Are we well to use the water of Buda’ah to perform ablutions when it is a well into which menstrual wipes, dog flesh and putrid garbage are thrown?” Allah’s Messenger said, “Indeed, the water is pure, nothing makes it impure.”8

Sharia pure water

The Islamic code of conduct for holy living teaches us thus :

85. Impure things : The urine and feces of the following beings are najis [impure, unclean]: Human beings9 ; Animals whose meat is haraam [not permitted] to eat, and whose blood gushes out forcefully when its large vein is split.

The excrement of animals whose eating is haraam [not permitted], but whose blood does not gush out with force when they are killed, such as haraam [not permitted] fish, is holy. Similarly, the excrement of mosquitoes and flies is holy. …

86. The urine and excrement of birds whose consumption is haraam [unauthorized] are holy, but it is best to avoid them. 10

A fortiori, since the camel is hallal (permitted) in Islam, drinking camel urine is not only permitted, but advisable !

Conclusion :

  • If Allah is the god of the Kaaba that soaks in the d’égouts,
  • If dirty water is pure and urine or excrement is consumable, …

then we’ll understand better why Saudis are increasingly putting their Korans in sewer grates.

  • 1 jeddahmom.com
  • 2 riyadhconnect.com Dec. 13, 2021
  • 3 Lying scheiks : the uniqueness of the Qur’anic text, see RD2020-03 magazine
  • 4 jesusoumohamed.com/2017/09/26/les-inondations-de-la-mecque/
  • 5 kunawariji.wordpress.com/2014/09/07/the-mysterious-images-of-the-mecca-flood/
  • 6 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaaba
  • 7 See youtube : ” Mecca: catastrophic floods and torrents (2018) “. see also ” More floods in Mecca – Hajj 2019 “
  • 8 muflihun.com/tirmidhi/1/66: HadithJami` at-Tirmidhi – Book of Purification: Hadith 66
  • 9 When a devotee of Muhammad drank his chamber pot, he nevertheless told her : ” You will never have stomach trouble “. Once again, we see that the scheiks who wrote the Sharia do not honor their prophet.
  • 10 sistani.org/english/book/48/2127/

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