Kenneth Hagin: From a word of faith… to a sneer

Why do you seek the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5b)

Kenneth Hagin (1917 – 2003) (K. H.) is considered the  » father  » of the doctrine of the word of faith, he was also one of its main promoters.

What legacy does he leave us ?

His website is still active. He wrote some forty books between 1966 and 1999. Mark 11:23 was his favorite verse. (source wikipedia).

His mausoleum displays the following verse : Mark 11:24:

Therefore I say to you, Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.

Of course, a believer shall have faith to please God ! But a biblical faith in the God who is and whom we seek is not an artifact of the god of this world.

“and apart from faith it is impossible to please Him, for it is required of him who is coming to God to believe that He exists and that He becomes a rewarder to those seeking Him.” (Heb 11:6)

It’s no coincidence that the so-called « servants » in search of « miraculous anointing » visit his grave.

One of them, Pastor Roberts Liardon1 has been there.

I went to pay my respects at the grave2 of Kenneth Hagin today. My faith is greater because of him. Thank you so much!

The « pastor » with a Dragon shirt,
Roberts Liardon at Kenneth E. Hagin’s mausoleum.
It’s normally Freemasons or those afraid of death who make such mausoleums for themselves

What are all these  » pastors  » doing, seeking an anointing among the deads ? Are we not announcing the living one? To whom is this thank you addressed? Do we thank the dead for the faith (or power) they give? Talking to the dead is not a sin to be taken lightly; it was an abomination deserving death according to the Law of Moses.

Besides his oversized mausoleum befitting his ego, K. H. leaves us several  » controversial  » videos. It’s in the censored passages of one of these videos3 that we learn the most.

Kenneth Hagin laughs while reading the Bible

The vain laugh of the braggart

We see K. H. laugh for about an hour, and for no reason. Kenneth blows on people who also start laughing. In the video « Inexpressible Joy » 7:04 he says:

Even medical science says laughter is good for you, it lowers blood pressure, God says a merry heart does good like medicine.

It’s true that a  » un joyful heart is a good medicine, … » but another proverb also says that    » A heartmakes the face serene (Heb. Yatab)(or brightens the face. (Darby)) ». (cf. Proverbs 17:22 ;15:13).

The term Yatab communicates the idea of pleasant, beautiful, pleasing (cf. Genesis 4:7). Is the laughter communicated by K. H. a consequence of a joyful heart ?

Someone reports to me having experienced  » laughter in the Spirit « , This laughter is triggering the release of endomorphins. Could this really be a divine cure?

Different elements inform us about the non-divine origin of this laugh :

1) A self-declared laugh

K. H. discreetly makes a remark that is as surprising as it is unexpected:

I wouldn’t laugh if I were you !

Why on earth ?! Doesn’t the proverb quoted by K. H. in its place here? No one reacts and everyone continues to laugh. It’s as if their understanding is turned off. In my opinion, we’re witnessing the classic rhetoric of the evil one. He seduces, confuses, brings down and then… accuses and mocks a crowd who can no longer discern anything!

2) From laughter to anguish


Faces change from laughter to anguish, as this couple slips and falls, without strength. Some people laugh irrationally, but when control of their bodies completely escapes them, their faces become tense, ankylosed and frightened. cf. Ecc 7:3, 6 

In the very midst of laughter the heart may be grieved,
And joy may end in distress. Proverbs 14:13

3) A frenzied laugh

The uncontrolled laughter of K. H.’s followers is rather frightening, worrisome. A woman is heard laughing a high-pitched, unnatural shrill laugh, like a whinny. Shortly afterwards, she screams and shakes frantically in her chair, but the camera moves away from her…

This scene, like many others, was not « pleasant » at all for this cameraman. This is not a unique case; sometimes Kenneth’s laughter, or that of the victims, is that of the possessed ones.

After each « demonstration of the spirit » (or rather demonic spirits), where movements are uncontrolled, the victims are out of breath, without strength and clinging to their chairs (sometimes without always having the strength), with an often worried look on their faces. They have no strength left. The camera never stays on these moments 4.

A raw of attendants fell like a row of cards, one after the other, men on women, women on men. Every body lays on everybody. There is no longer this holy distance between unmarried opposite sex. The holiness that an older generation of Christians had, … is gone.

We see sometimes, women just laugh, half conscient and men start to dance a chaotic dance. We have been said that when such movements happened in Toronto, the number of adulteries increased in the church. This might not be unrelated.

The fallen angel hates God and Man for being made in his image. He tirelessly tries to humiliate him, and make him fall as he himself has fallen.

He proclaims anti-biblical-formulations

Kenneth Hagin speaks little during the laughter sessions, but some of his words (and gestures deserve) analysis. He said : E.g.:

1) The yoke must be destroyed because of the anointing.

The yoke, may be that of bondage, from which we are freed, but it may be that of Christ, meek and humble of heart, from whom we receive instruction. (Gal 5:1; Mat 11:29)

A Kenneth Hagin session beginning with the reading of a biblical passage that immediately triggers widespread laughter, and continuing without any preaching or meditation, rather suggests that it is from the yoke of Christ’s instructions, from which this crowd has been freed.

During the meetings viewed, from 1995 to 2001, Kenneth Hagin can often be heard telling the crowd:

2) Be blessed !

He orders this blessing to the spectators in an authoritative military tone. Now, blessing is the result of obedience, of holy conduct, please read Deuteronomy: Obedience = Blessing; Disobedience = Curse (cf. Psalm 1), can we command blessing or force God’s hand, as if blessing happen by magic ?

This is reminiscent of certain pagan blessings, such as the Hindu blessing. People line up in the temple, chatting and enjoying themselves, arrive in front of the priest, he passes the brass bell over their heads, and off they go. That’s it : they’ve had their blessing, against all logic.

 » Be blessed « 

This vow is found only twice in Scripture (Louis Segond ). In 2 Samuel 2:5 and Psalms 115:13-15, it is always the consequence of a pious action or behavior:

The singular expression  » be blessed «  is found in 1Samuel 15:13; and 26:25, here, this blessing is on the mouth of the disobedient king : Saul speaks for Samuel and David. The context shows that this « blessing » is hypocritical and without effect.

We know the Aaronic famous blessing in Numbers 6:22-25

Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, saying to them: 
The Lord bless you, and keep you! 

It is given in the midst of a specific context ! The laws calling the people to obedience has just been dictated to the people delivered from Egypt and before the taking of the promised land.

It comes from Yahweh and ends with « Thus shall they put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.  »

Thus, this blessing comes from God himself, as the people carry his name. God does not allow his name to be mocked, and the 10 Commandments begin with « have no other God before his face. » It is given only through Moses and Aaron (Christ’s antitype), who also gave the laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. This blessing of the people, is not gratuitous, without context and without purpose.

The consequences of this « – word of faith « , of  » blessing  » announced to a crowd he doesn’t know, are not long in coming, everyone starts falling over and gesticulating. This word looks like an order of submission to the invisible powers.

This formula pronounced in this context perfectly represents the doctrine of the  » word of faith « . A  » miracle worker  » forces the obtaining of an  » blessing  » unconditionally, without obedience, without sacrifice, without lived experience. It’s a counter-gospel, nullifying man’s responsibility : (Deu 11:26-28, Isaiah 48:18).

Our humanistic and hedonistic society (2Ti 3:4 ; 2Pi 2:13) seems to make us forget that well-being is not an unconditional due from the Creator. Welfare and even prosperity are granted to

 » the man who fears the Lord, Who finds great pleasure in His commandments. «  cf. Psalms 112:1-3.

This is not an ultimate end for any man, nor should it be our universal quest5. It is a gift from God (Ecclesiastes 3:13). Doing good around us is not done by incantations, but by works practiced by the believer, especially for those of  » the household of faith «  (Gal 6:16).

3) Breathing on believers

The word of Faith is an imitation of the creative Word of God :  » God said  » (Genesis 1: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26), but K. H. also imitates the breath of life given by God (Genesis 2:7 ; John 20:22)

A common denominator

In the videos we watched, there is a common denominator :

  • Kenneth’s tongue moves6, sometimes inside his mouth, sometimes outside like a snake’s.
  • He speaks alone, to crowds like a star directing a show.

Magical curse : A pastor becomes an dumb idiot

The fallen angel, hates God’s creature. Especially man, for he is made in his image. He tirelessly tries to humiliate him, and make him fall..

A preacher rendered mute and grimacing, mocked, even by those closest to him (probably his wife)

The grimace of the pastor rendered mute :

K. H. hands the microphone to a pastor in the front row, laughing. Unable to speak, he grimaces, his mouth and tongue twisting, and finally gives the microphone back without having managed to say a word. Even his wife laughs! 7 Normally, it’s not preachers who should be silenced. Cf. Titus 1:11; Rom 10:14. Amos 4:5; Psalm 145:7

Again, this is no longer laugh, but mockery, and there is no blessing sitting at the table of the mockers (Psalm 1:1-3)

The fall of man and the mic  :

Kenneth hands the microphone to another man, who recoils as if punched by an invisible hand, and falls, his head banging against a bench. There was no catcher being him. Everyone laughs, including the woman accompanying him. The catcher 8 first pick up the microphone!

Again and again, this is no longer laugh, but mockery, and there is no blessing sitting at the table of the mockers (Psalm 1:1-3)

It’s more important than caring for an unconscious and potentially seriously injured person. Cf. Mat 18:12-14  John 10:10-12

With the mic, the show can go on!

The fools

They laugh, fall, gesticulate, grimace.

This laughter is not that of deep joy, a serene joy, but a sneer bordering on mockery.
Even Kenneth Copland, the famous « possessed pastor » that all media are mocking, was touched as well by the evil spirits and fell down and laughed.

The voiceless singer needs his dose:

… and voice of harpists, and musicians, and pipers, and trumpeters, may not be heard at all in you anymore; and any craftsman of any craft may not be found at all in you anymore; and noise of a millstone may not be heard at all in you anymore;  (Rev 18:22) 

K. H. asks the singer-musician to sing a hymn. He tries 4 or 5 times, but can’t, and finally bursts out laughing, jumping up and down and gesticulating frantically as if electrocuted. Dozens, if not hundreds, of spectators then enter this same trance, gesticulating haphazardly as if on drugs.

In this is supposed to reside the miracle and the action of the Spirit !? : Those who should be exercising their gift in the assembly, can no longer do so. They can only walk or rather ramble according to the flesh.

We cannot speak of the gifts of the spirit, but of the annihilation of the gifts of the Spirit.

Later, the singing musician manages to intone his song, but what a song ! :

One dose of the Holy Spirit is not enough for me ! 9

What dose are we talking about ? Are we talking about drugs, or sorcery, magic spell ?

The next verse of Revelation gives us an insight of what is happening here:
and light of a lamp may not shine at all in you anymore; and voice of bridegroom and of bride may not be heard at all in you anymore; because your merchants were the great ones of the earth, because all the nations were led astray in your sorcery (grec pharmacia), … (Rev 18:23)

The grec word φαρμακεία / pharmacia means « medication, drugs » but used figuratively, it is translated by « Magic spell » (CJB), « sorcery » (most translation), enchantments (LSG).

An this is exactly what we have here. Real faith has been sold by « merchants » and replaced by fake good news, fake gospel, fake holy spirit, and the masses are deceived! The take « doses » of demonic deception like drugs or hypnoses, and laugh when it is time to cry. The warnings were not heard, the lamp stand of the Lord is already removed.

‘Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first. But if not, I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent.  (Rev 2:5) 

Let us come back to the singer, what spirit does he talk about, a spirit of legion that … 

  • … turns into scoffers those who should be sober and watchful : (Psalm 1:1 ; 1Peter 5:8)
  • … causes preachers to be silenced (Romans 12:7-8)
  • … causes those who should stand firm and upright to fall (Ephesians 6:11-14 ; Ezekiel 2:2 ; 3 . 24 ; Daniel 8:18 ; Acts 26:16)
  • … turns into gesticulating puppets, those who should walk according to the Spirit in propriety (Galatians:16 ; Eph 5:4) Who would like to think that this is the work of the Holy Spirit ?

And when the Holy Spirit has come, he will convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment:? (John 16:8)

Similarity with magic

An ex-witch testifies (like many other witches) that magic was used to make what we say come true : It’s the same principle as the word of faith, what I say must come true, no matter if it’s God’s will or not.

The source: premature, immature ministry

Yes, … the Charismatic movement is the source of this occult, heretical nonsense. But let’s note again:

Just two years after his conversion, K. Hagin was already delivering his first sermon as pastor of a small community church in Texas ! It is certainly this biographical detail, which will tell us the most about the negative turn of his life.

His ministry is based only on a few verses taken out of context, not the whole of Scripture, which takes a lifetime to learn. His tomb bears witness to this one verse he clung to, which though true, was distorted in its indiscriminate application.

The ministry of teaching belongs primarily to elders and is not that of a new convert. The danger of pride and desire for glory lurks. How many  » ministers  » have started too soon, and harmed not only the Church that appointed them, but themselves.

My brethren, let there not be among you many who begin to teach, for you know that we shall be judged more severely. (James 3:1)

  • 1 Roberts Liardon sold 15 million pounds.
  • 2
  • 3 Youtube : a) cut from service 1996. Winter Bible seminar 1996: Minutes 6:00, 7:40, 12:35. b) Kenneth Hagin 2001 0919PM » 33:55: this video shows a man jumping stiffly like a puppet as if pulled by wires.
  • 4 Face change:
    Kenneth Copland, :
  • 5 In a very specific context, God commands not to worry about the welfare of Ammonites and Moabites (Deu 23:6) or foreign peoples (Esd 9:12).
  • 6 Youtube:  » 1997 10 14 St Louis Holy Ghost Meeting « : minutes 8:20-9:15
  • 7 These tongue movements are similar to snake tongue movements. Kenneth Hagin made such mouth movements, throughout the  » show « .
  • 8 Catchers : These men are there to accompany the falling people, or to support KE, when he himself can no longer stand. At this precise moment, there were no catchers present to hold this person up. Some women also covers the legs of other women with a blanket (once we all can see their legs), as a shine-holiness. But everyone still falls on everyone. This piece of video is part of the unreleased moments.
  • 9 The lyrics of the hymn recall the consumption vocabulary of drug addicts, (one dose of, a shoot of , …) see the musician becoming a fool of everyone :

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